Dec 29 09
by cara
at 10:18 PM
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Christmas 2009 Recap-The Littlest Apple’s Big Haul

The Picky Apple took SO MANY photos at Christmas, and it has taken me a while to wade through them.  I wanted to get this Christmas recap posted before 2010, so those of you waiting for more “Best Of” will just have to wait one more post…

This was the first year that The Littlest Apple was really excited about Christmas.  At 28 months old, he still doesn’t totally get it, but there was a marked difference from last year.

Christmas for us is a very long day.  We do Christmas at our house with just the three of us, then we do Christmas with my family and then Christmas with The Picky Apple’s family.  The Littlest Apple was definitely worn down (as was I) by the end of the day, and he completely lost interest in unwrapping presents, wanting Mommy to do all the work by the end of the day.  That being said, we still had a fabulous day!

My favorite moments from the day: seeing The Littlest Apple jumping up and down in excitement over some of his gifts from Mommy and Daddy, watching him try to walk in boots too large, getting my Pioneer Woman cookbook, and playing with my eighteen month old nieces (twins).

On to the photos….

The Littlest Apple was VERY excited about this little cement mixer in his stocking.  We’re off to a good start!

Christmas 2009 Cement Mixer

Note the pajamas.  They were absolutely adorable.  He doesn’t normally wear this button up style, and on Christmas Eve, he was admiring them in the mirror while brushing his teeth calling it his “sleeping jacket” that he should wear because it was cold.  So funny!

Big trucks from Santa:

Christmas 2009 Dump Truck

Christmas 2009 Fire Truck

On to Christmas with my family.  A fireman suit to go with his big fire truck.

Christmas 2009 Fireman Outfit

The boots were a little big.  But they sure were cute!

Christmas 2009 Fireman 2

To go with the fireman costume, a bullhorn.  Because every 2 year old boy needs a bullhorn, don’t you think? (This one has the added bonus of a REALLY LOUD siren too!)  Note how he’s holding it backwards.  Too bad it doesn’t actually make everything quieter that way.

Christmas 2009 Bullhorn

Reading with Aunt Corey and Uncle John.  The Littlest Apple’s got the “Home Alone face” down.

Christmas 2009 Reading w John and Corey

After a short nap, it was on to The Picky Apple’s family celebration…The Littlest Apple carried around this one present for quite a while.  He did NOT want to unwrap it.  (It was a toy weed-eater, which he loves!)

Christmas 2009 Big Present

Drill plus truck to “fix” equals the perfect gift for my tool and truck lovin’ little guy!

Christmas 2009 Drill Truck

Another great gift…a microphone!  Great for a boy who loves to sing and be the center of attention!

Christmas 2009 Rockstar

A rolling suitcase for his overnight trips to stay with the grandparents.  He LOVES rolling this suitcase around, and now that he knows he can unzip it and fill it up with stuff, even better!

Christmas 2009 Suitcase

That’s really only the tip of the iceberg gift-wise.  I’m still unloading the gifts and trying to get it all organized!

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  1. Ricki permalink

    Aww, the look on his face in the first picture says it all! It sounds like he had a really great holiday! 🙂

  2. I love ALL the pictures, but my favorite is the one with the microphone. Look at him rocking out!

  3. First of all, you take such beautiful pictures, Cara! Honestly – you have quite an eye. How cute is it that Finn called his pj top his sleeping jacket?! What a sweet pea.

    You’re right – our boys are very similar… James wasn’t too interested in unwrapping presents, either. In fact, he STILL has some under the tree waiting to be opened!

  4. That’s quite a haul! I love his little sock monkey pajamas…so cute.

  5. Those pj’s are just too much! 🙂 Looks like he was in heaven with all the new toys!

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  2. Christmas 2010 Recap | The Picky Apple
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