Nov 5 09
by cara
at 6:52 AM
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Some of My Favorite Freezer Friendly Meals

I plan to cook dinner most nights, but inevitably one or more of those nights it doesn’t happen because of forgotten ingredients, me not feeling like cooking, or The Littlest Apple having a major meltdown right about the time I need to be cooking dinner.  These would all be ideal situations for pulling a meal from the freezer.   It helps tremendously when I have meals prepped and ready to go with minimal work.  These types of meals were huge lifesavers when The Littlest Apple spent an unexpected 10 days in the NICU at birth and then had a few months of non-stop screaming in the evenings (aka colic).  Dinner was the least of my worries then, and it was such a comfort to be able to pull out some of these favorite foods from the freezer and get them ready to go in a matter of minutes (and usually with one hand, while holding the baby!).

With the holiday season approaching and lots going on, it would be super helpful to have a freezer full of meals.  I’m hoping to get at least a few prepped and frozen in the next week or so.

Here are a few of my favorite freezer friendly meals:

Easiest Ever Crockpot BBQ Chicken

No photo of this one, but this is seriously the easiest meal ever!

Slow Cooker Pork Tacos

Slow Cooker Pork Tacos

Chicken Florentine Artichoke Bake

Chicken Florentine Artichoke Bake

All-American Beef Chili

All-American Beef Chili

Greek Chicken Pitas

Greek Chicken Pitas

Ricotta Pasta Casserole

Ricotta Pasta Casserole

Taco Rice

No photo of this one, but this tastes great on a flour tortilla with cheese!

For more freezer friendly meal ideas, check out this week’s Ultimate Recipe Swap at Life as MOM!

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  1. What a great list of recipes! Thank you for sharing them!

    ps. Lovely pictures too!! Great lighting/composition! 🙂

  2. Thank you for posting this, Cara! I’ve started freezing some meals for when the baby comes in January, and I think I’m going to add a couple of these to my aresenal!

  3. Thanks for the recipes…I saved them all.

  4. Some of My Favorite Freezer Friendly Meals. I plan to cook dinner most nights, but inevitably one or more of those nights it doesn’t happen ..

  5. Arctic Cooling Freezer XTREME Rev.2 – Trusted Technology and Computer Hardware Reviews. News for Tech Enthusiasts.

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