Jan 2 12
by cara
at 6:24 PM
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Slingshot’s Nursery

Since Slingshot’s arrival is only days away, I figured it was time to share his nursery with you.  And even though I hate it when bloggers start off their posts with disclaimers, I do have a few disclaimers: The nursery is mostly finished  (the important stuff is done), but I know if I don’t share photos now, it could be a while before I get around to it.  We haven’t made up our minds about the wall art and a few other decorative touches, so the walls are still a little bare.  And in need of some paint touchups.  We’re also still waiting on the rug I ordered, which is backordered until the end of January).  We “borrowed” a rug from The Littlest Apple’s room in the meantime, just to get a feel for the size of the new rug.

So all that being said, here’s Slingshot’s room….

We LOVE that giant window and all the light it lets in, but it sure does make it hard to photograph this room!  The photo below shows the little attic door on the left (there is another door on the opposite wall).  We used those as a guide for how tall to make the board and batten, and I’m so glad that we did.  I feel like those little doors are much less of an eyesore and really blend in now.  I am SO pleased with how the board and batten turned out.  The Picky Apple did a fantastic job, don’t you think?

Here’s the other side of the room, that is definitely in need of some wall art….

We bought that train table for The Littlest Apple’s second birthday.  He never really enjoyed playing with it.  His favorite part of playing with it is taking it apart and throwing the tracks on the ground.  We love it too much to get rid of it, but don’t have another place to store it at the moment.  So we’re hoping that Slingshot enjoys it a little more than his big brother!  Luckily, this bedroom is second in size only to our master bedroom, so there is plenty of space for a ginormous train table.

The curtains are my personal favorite, because I made them.  I’ll share more on that in another post!

And here’s the rug I ordered….

The wall art is a big sticking point right now.  We can’t make up our minds, so we decided not to rush it just so we have something up before Slingshot’s arrival (though it IS driving me a little crazy to not have room “finished”).  We want a series of 5 or 6 framed somethings on one wall (prints?  fun fabrics?  art that my husband and I create?), framed in IKEA Ribba frames like these:

I like these Alphabet Prints from Finny & Zook (and I’m keen on these letters later in the alphabet, which might be weird):

We could also use these Pattern Pieces (in lots of different colors) available for free from Sprik Space.

But for now we’re happy with the nursery, and it’s time to move on to cleaning the rest of the house like a crazy woman.  I have SO much to do in the next few days!!

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  1. Courtney @ A So-Called Runner permalink

    aww so cute and cant believe how close you are! So fun!

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  1. Painted Curtains | The Picky Apple

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