Apr 5 11
by cara
at 9:41 PM
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Rainbow Rocks Rewards

For a few months now, we’ve been using a simple positive reinforcement system with The Littlest Apple.  I felt like we were saying “No” and “Stop” and pointing out all of the things The Littlest Apple does wrong (or, not to our liking, I should say) and not giving him the feedback he needs and deserves for the things he does right.

So, here’s our simple system: He earns “Rainbow Rocks” for various good deeds and things we want to encourage him in.  The Rainbow Rocks are put in a jar.  Once the jar is full, he earns a prize from the Treasure Box.

What can The Littlest Apple earn Rainbow Rocks for?  (You can tell by the list some of the areas we’ve been struggling with!)

  • being a good listener
  • being kind/sharing
  • doing things (getting dressed, etc) without help
  • doing things without complaining or arguing
  • being helpful
  • picking up toys
  • using good manners
  • having a good daily report from school
  • handwriting practice
  • help stetting the table and cleaning up after dinner
  • going to the potty without being told

What prizes are in The Treasure Box?

Currently, it contains:

  • Scooper/shovel for the sandbox
  • Firetruck/construction/trash truck movie
  • Water gun
  • Bubble gun
  • VeggieTales Jonah movie
  • Binoculars
  • Coupon for donuts with Dad
  • Coupon for a cupcake from a local bakery
  • Coupon for a trip to the ice cream shop

Other notes:

  • The Rainbow Rocks are just multi-colored vase-filler rocks from Michael’s
  • We don’t ever take rocks OUT of the jar for bad behavior (though it is tempting sometimes!!)
  • We usually give The Littlest Apple a handful of rocks at a time
  • Prizes are all $10 or less
  • The Littlest Apple has been earning a prize every week or week and a half.  If this increases, the prize value will definitely decrease!
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  1. Courtney permalink

    super cute idea, i might have to do something like this!!

  2. Cassie permalink

    That is a great idea! I think I need to do that with my oldest. (my youngest is still too young to understand that)

  3. Caprice permalink

    How come you don’t take marbles out? Just curious

  4. Amber Temple permalink

    Because it’s POSITIVE reinforcement.

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