Aug 29 10
by admin
at 9:21 PM
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Apple Picks: Weekend Links

I’m late with my Apple Picks this weekend, but better late than never right?  (A little disclaimer…I’ve got 947 unread blog posts in my Google Reader.  I KNOW I need to just click “Mark All As Read”, but what if I miss out on a great post like one of the posts below?!)

Blueberry Caramel and White Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies @ Picky Palate

Faux-Wallpaper Walls @ k.f.d. designs

Bean Art @ New Nostalgia

Cowboy Candy @ The Weekly Bite

Halloween Trick or Treat Wreath @ Craft-o-Maniac

A Lesson Learned: Each Word is  a Gift @ I Can Teach My Child!

Goal Setting Charts for Young Kids @ Simple Kids

Homemade Cinnamon Bread @ The Pioneer Woman

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  1. How kind of you to include Simple Kids in that line-up of links 🙂

    And how cute is that trick’o’treat wreath? Adorable!

  2. I love that wreath! I am concerned that people (kids mostly, but maybe adults too) would swipe some of the candy and that some of the candy might melt in the hot Texas sun. I’d still like to try it though!

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