Apr 22 10
by cara
at 12:15 PM
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Painting with Golf Balls

For our Art Playgroup yesterday, we had lots of fun painting using golf balls.  This is so simple, and assuming you can keep the golf ball in the pan (more on that in a minute), it is super easy to cleanup!

Here’s what you do:

Find a baking dish with tall sides (I used a roasting pan, a Pyrex 9×13, and several 8×8 pans).  When I did the initial test run yesterday, I used a tray with low sides.  It worked just fine when I did it, but The Littlest Apple had a little less finesse and sent the golf ball-covered in orange paint-rolling across the kitchen and carpeted living room floor!  Luckily it was washable paint, but just a warning, be sure you use a dish with high sides!

Cut the paper to fit your pan.

Add drops of paint all over the paper.  I found that using 3 or fewer colors works best.

Golf Ball Painting 2

Drop a golf ball in the pan, and hold on to the sides of the pan to roll the golf ball around.  The idea is for the kids to get the golf ball to roll through all of the drops of paint, which certainly requires a little hand eye coordination.

A photo from our second test run:

Golf Ball Painting 1

It will create a very cool “track” from the pattern of the golf ball.  Love this color combination!

Golf Ball Painting 3

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  1. We’ve done something similar in the past with marbles, but I really like the tracks that the dimples in the golf ball make. Neat!

  2. Love. We’ve done this with marbles, but I never thought to use golf balls – thanks!

  3. That looks like so much fun!!

  4. You are so creative!

  5. Anonymous permalink

    The best golf ball for a beginner is the cheapest of the golf ball available. As long as the game evolves toward the center, there is no need to answer the following questions. What do you want out of the ball is not lost. When you are first starting out, you lose a lot of golf balls around. Too much money for the golf balls just to increase the price of a round of golf. Until you start to lose less than three or so around the ball, you must look at the cheapest golf balls around.


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