Feb 6 10
by cara
at 8:41 PM
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What The Littlest Apple is Reading, February 6

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How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?, by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague: I bought this book as a Christmas gift, but then had to get a copy for The Littlest Apple, too.  He’s REALLY enjoyed all of the dinosaurs books so far.  (We’ve also got How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight and How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon from the library right now.)  This one is just perfect for Valentine’s Day!

How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You

I Love You So…, by Marianne Richmond: I bought this one for Valentine’s Day last year, and we keep it in regular reading rotation. It is such a sweet book: “I love you as bright as each sparkling star and as way out as space, I love you that far.”

I Love You So

Hush Little Baby, illustrated by Marla Frazee : The surprise hit of the week.  An illustrated version of the classic song, depicting family life in Appalachia in the 1800s.  There is something about these illustrations (the crying baby, perhaps?) that really drew The Littlest Apple in.   He asks for this one again and again.

Hush Little Baby

Truckery Rhymes, by Jon Scieszka: This is a daily (or multiple times daily) read for us!  Many classic nursery rhymes are included, but the words are changed so they are about trucks.  For example: Pop Blows The Diesel,  Rumble Rumble Monster Max, Three Loud Trucks, Rock A Bye Mixer.  Perfect for the little truck lover in your life!

Truckery Rhymes

Disclosure:  Some of the links above are Amazon affiliate links, which means I MIGHT receive a tiny compensation from Amazon if a whole bunch of people click on those links and order books. (Hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t appear to be happening any time soon.)  I have not been asked to review any of these books.  These are just some of my favorites I wanted to share!

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From books, reviews

  1. Thanks for joining this week and sharing your books. We also got this dinosaur book for Christmas but Anna didn’t like it for whatever reason. The last book on your list sounds hilarious – I am sure many boys (and girls) will enjoy it a lot.

  2. I really want to find How do dinosaurs say I love you – how perfect for Valentine’s day. We are really into dinos here lately and doing a mini-unit on them. I have to find Hush Little Baby and Truckery rhymes too – ooh, so many good things in one post! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  3. I was just thinking today that we need to add some new children’s books to our collection. I’m going to look up a few of these titles. Thanks so much for the recommendations!

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