Nov 13 09
by cara
at 9:18 PM
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31 Things to Do Before I Turn 31

I’ve seen lists like this pop up on various blogs, including Meg’s and Michelle’s and wanted to make a list of my own.  I LOVE lists, and this is a fun one!  Some of these things will be easily accomplished, others may present more of a challenge.  I’ve got 8 months until I turn 31, so I better get started!

31 Things To Do Before I Turn 31….

1.  Volunteer or donate food to Texas Children’s Hospital Ronald McDonald House

2.  Complete playroom makeover

3.  Complete kids bathroom makeover

4.  Learn how to use our Canon Digital Rebel XSI instead of just relying on the automatic feature

5.  Paint master bedroom

6.  Donate old furniture or list on Freecycle

7.  Sew a quilt

8.  Chalkboard paint project

9.  Submit an article to be published

10.  Dine at Mark’s Restaurant

11.  Take a weekend trip to Austin sans Littlest Apple

12.  Complete backyard landscaping

13.  Make tortillas from scratch

14.  Make sandwich bread from scratch

15.  Print and organize photos of The Littlest Apple…scrapbook?  baby book?

16.  Declutter office

17.  Start weekly nature study with The Littlest Apple

18.  Have dinner guests at least once a month

19.  Host a cookie decorating party for kids

20.  Have date nights once a month

21.  Blog giveaways!

22.  Create wrapping center for wrapping paper, bags, ribbon, tags, etc.

23.  Have a girls’ night out!

24.  Create my own wall decor for around the house

25. Meet some other bloggers in person…attend a blogging conference like Mom 2.0?

26.  Read Nourishing Traditions

27.  Try new vegetables

28.  Decorate the guest bedroom

29.  Join a CSA

30.  Cook at least 3 Julia Child recipes

31.  Finish reading Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover!

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  1. What a fantastic list!! I’m intrigued by the blogging conference you’ve mentioned – where is it held?

    You’ve inspired me to make a list of my own, but 34 things to do before May sounds a bit daunting!

    Oh and I just noticed you have a Susan Branch book on your sidebar – isn’t she fab? I love and own many of her books and products. 🙂

  2. I think that is a fantastic list 🙂 Good luck!

  3. love your list! the tortillas from scratch is fab. on my new list (which i haven’t posted yet) i have homemade marshmallows. i’ll have to remember tortillas for next year. 🙂

    thank you for the link, i’ll link back to yours as soon as i post my list.

  4. This is seriously a great list; I need to make one! I just found Freecycle recently, and I requested RecycleBank to come to our city. Do you get RecycleBank? I really want to join a CSA as well. And just so you know, we have a guest room here in Austin that you’re more than welcome to when you make your trip!

  5. I love your list, and as I’m already 31, I think mine will have to be 32 things to do. lol. Before I turned 30 I thought I’d accomplish several things, and to my despair even more than a year later, another bday passed, and I still haven’t accomplished them. Hmm, makes me think I should blog about it, then I will be more accountable to actually do it. Great post, and I love the FLYLADY too.

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  1. CHANGE in 2010 | The Picky Apple
  2. Homemade Tortillas | The Picky Apple

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